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Direitos Humanos DHnet
Comissões de Memória e Verdade Mundo
África do Sul

“A luta do homem contra o poder é a luta da memória contra o esquecimento."
Milan Kundera



África do Sul | Alemanha | Argentina | Bolívia | Brasil | Canadá | Chade | Chile | Colômbia | Congo | Coréia do Sul | El Salvador | Equador | EUA | Gana | Granada | Guatemala | Haiti | Honduras | Ilhas Maurício | Ilhas Salomão | Indonésia | Iugoslávia | Libéria | Marrocos | Nepal | Nigéria | Panamá | Paraguai | Peru | Quênia | Ruanda | Serra Leoa | Sri Lanka | Timor Leste | Togo | Uganda | Uruguai | Zimbábue

África do Sul 1995
Truth and Reconciliation Commision South Africa
Comissão da Verdade e Justiça e Reconciliação da África do Sul


Documento Completo – TRC Final Report
PDF 6,46 MB

TRC Final Report - Summary and Guide to Contents
The report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (the Commission) consists of five volumes, each with a particular focus. It is important to note that, once the Amnesty Committee finishes its work, an additional volume will report on the work of that Committee, based on amnesty hearings conducted and findings made. That volume will also include summaries of the statements of those people the Commission found to have suffered gross violations of human rights. While the current report contains a full list of the names of those in respect of whom such findings were made, the codicil will include details of the violations. The bulk of the findings of the Commission may be found in the final volume, as indicated below. However, specific findings are made in individual chapters throughout the report. The logical sequence of the five volumes of the report is as follows.

TRC Final Report - Volume 1
Volume One is an introductory volume, containing important discussion of key concepts and debates within the Commission itself and in society at large. It provides the basis and rationale for the work of the Commission, as described in the chapters that appear in the following volumes. It also describes the way the Commission worked and the methods it used in order to fulfil its mandate.
PDF 1,39 MB

TRC Final Report - Volume 2
Volume Two addresses the commission of gross violations of human rights on all sides of the conflict. The first and greater part of the volume deals with the period between 1960 and 1990, while a separate chapter is dedicated to the unique political environment of the 1990s. The role of the state in the perpetration of gross violations of human rights is, for practical reasons, divided between violations committed outside South Africa and those committed inside South Africa. The homelands and their unique circumstances are described in a separate chapter, as is the role of the liberation movements.
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TRC Final Report - Volume 3
Volume Three, which addresses gross violations of human rights from the perspective of the victim, is a companion to Volume Two. For reasons of space, accounts which are described in detail in one are frequently simply referred to in the other. The chapters in this volume are regionally structured, reflecting the regional structure of the Commission. This allowed for a targeted focus on distinct geographical area and a detailed examination of variations between different parts of the country.
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TRC Final Report - Volume 4
Volume Four seeks to address the nature of the society in which gross violations of human rights took place, reporting on a series of 'institutional hearings' which sought to explore the broader institutional and social environment. In the process of conducting these hearings, the Commission sought to provide opportunities for self-examination by the various sectors, as well as discussion of their possible role in the future. In addition to hearings on the various sectors, the volume includes reports on three special hearings: on compulsory military service, children and youth and women.
PDF 0,83 MB

TRC Final Report - Volume 5
Volume Five, the final volume of the report, contains the conclusions reached by the Commission, including analyses and findings and recommendations. It also includes the Minority Position of Commission Wynand Malan and the Commission's response to this.
PDF 1,09 MB

TRC Final Report - Volume 6 - Foreword
PDF 0,10 MB

TRC Final Report - Volume 6 - Section 1
Report of the Amnesty Committee
PDF 0,71 MB

TRC Final Report - Volume 6 - Section 2
Report of the Reparation and Rehabilitation Committee
PDF 0,99 MB

TRC Final Report - Volume 6 - Section 3
The Intersection between the Work of the Human Rights Violations Committee and the Amnesty Committee
PDF 1,81 MB

TRC Final Report - Volume 6 - Section 4
Report of the Human Rights Violations Committee
PDF 0,51 MB

TRC Final Report - Volume 6 - Section 5
Findings and Recommendations
PDF 1,04 MB

TRC Final Report - Volume 6 - Section 6
PDF 0,32 MB

TRC Final Report - Volume 7 - Part 1
PDF 0,11 MB

TRC Final Report - Volume 7 - Part 2
PDF 2,42 MB

TRC Final Report - Volume 7 - Part 3
PDF 2,22 MB

TRC Final Report - Volume 7 - Part 4
PDF 2,60 MB

TRC Final Report - Volume 7 - Part 5
PDF 0,34 MB

Textos e Subsídos

O Processo de Reconciliação na África do Sul
Centro de Investigação e Análise em Relações Internacionais CIARI
PDF 0,10 MB

Los Fundamentos Morales de las Comisiones de Verdad La Verdad como Reconocimiento y la Justicia como Recognition
Principios de la Justicia Transicional en la Práctica de la Comisión de Verdad y Reconciliación (CVR) Sudafricana
André du Toit
PDF 0,33 MB

Verdades a Medias
Mujeres en la Comisión para la Verdad y la Reconciliación em Sudáfrica
Javier Treviño Rangel
PDF 0,12 MB

Comiciones de La Verdade, Camino Cierto?
Estudo Comparativo das Comissões da Verdade da Argentina, Chile, Guatemala, África do Sul
PDF 2,25 MB

Direitos Humanos na África do Sul

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