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Online Journal for the Human Rights Network of Rio Grande do Norte - Northeast Brazil

What’s Tecido Social?

What’s the Human Rights Network - RN?



What’s Tecido Social?

Tecido Social (Social Ties) is a communication project put into effect by the Rede Estadual de Direitos Humanos- RN (Human Rights Network of Rio Grande do Norte, Northeast Brazil), and like the latter, it remains a work in progress. It is an electronic bulletin that is sent via email to more than 20,000 readers both within Brazil and outside. It is received by the majority of organizations, members of organized social movements and state and federal institutions, all working in the Human Rights field (as much civil and political as social, economic, cultural and environmental). It is also received by many communication networks - both official and alternative - from television stations and newspapers, to radio stations and various means of digital communication networks, all on the local and national level throughout Brazil. For this reason, it serves as an important agent in the promotion of Human Rights and the distribution of human rights news, enabling what occurs in Rio Grande do Norte to be projected throughout the world.
In order to receive Tecido Social by E-mail, write to with the title, “incluir” and your address will be added to the list of recipients.

What’s the Human Rights Network - RN?

The Human Rights Network - RN (REDH-RN) is the first collection of organizations in Brazil to think about the Federation as a unified whole, attempting to reach all the districts in Rio Grande do Norte (RN) with one demand: Human Rights for all Potiguares*!
The Network is a combination of organizations, social movements, and institutions within Rio Grande do Norte that work in the human rights field, as much civil and political, as social, economic, cultural and environmental. Its principle objective is to create Human Rights bodies comprised of public officials, members of political parties, churches, media, etc. in all of the 167 districts of RN. Its mission is to put an end to human rights violations against the people, inform and mobilize the local citizens, and put forth denunciations; in short, to promote the human rights of all the people in Rio Grande do Norte.
The organization that conceived of this project and which is putting the REDH-RN into effect is the Center for Human Rights and Popular Memory (CDHMP) of Natal (Rua Vigário Bartolomeu, 635—Ed. “21 de Março,” salas 606/607—CEP 59025-100—Natal/RN—Phone: 0xx84 221-5932—Fax: 0xx 201-0242—E-mail:,

*Potiguar is the Portuguese term used to describe those originally from Rio Grande do Norte, the northeast of Brazil.

Correio Tecido Social © 2004 - DHNet - Rede de Direitos Humanos - RN

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Loja DHnet
DHnet 18 anos - 1995-2013
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Sistemas Internacionais de Direitos Humanos
Sistema Nacional de Direitos Humanos
Sistemas Estaduais de Direitos Humanos
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História dos Direitos Humanos no Brasil - Projeto DHnet
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Direito a Memória e a Verdade
Banco de Dados  Base de Dados Direitos Humanos
Tecido Cultural Ponto de Cultura Rio Grande do Norte
1935 Multimídia Memória Histórica Potiguar