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Workshop for The Human Rights Network of Rio Grande do Norte, Northeast Brazil, in English-Speaking Countries


The objective of this page is to provide more information to all those in English-speaking countries who wish to support the fight for human rights in Brazil, specifically in the small and isolated state of Rio Grande do Norte, situated in the northeast. A fight that , today, is being fought through the network by the creation and consolidation of the Rede Estadual de Direitos Humanos – RN (State Human Rights Network of Rio Grande do Norte). It is the first partnership of civil society organizations, social movements, and institutions that agree that the Brazilian federation is an indivisible whole, and for this reason is dedicated to the active promotion, defense, and guarantee of the fundamental rights of every citizen in every one of the 167 districts, and in every community, urban or rural, of this poor and marginalized state.


In a world where financial capital, production processes, goods, and the services and production of mass culture (and the life styles and value systems that come along with their transmission) are becoming more and more globalized as the rise of social exclusion and inequalities imposed by neoliberal and unilateral market forces threaten public freedoms and economic, social and cultural rights, social movements are more aware than ever before that:


1)       It is impossible to understand the local realities – and therefor also impossible to think of their solutions and sustainable alternatives – without understanding the global economic, social, political and cultural processes. At the same time, it is impossible to think of “global” without considering its repercussions and taking into consideration the specific characteristics of the multiple realities with which it interacts,

2)       The only way to confront the enormous and powerful forces that impose the economic, social, political, and cultural processes of neoliberal globalization and that, in various ways, influence the local economic, social, political and cultural realities, is to create networks that integrate the multiple fights, movements, and instances which act in different social movements but share the same critical view of the existing model, and provide a space for their interaction and dialogue. Only in this way is it possible to formulate a concrete vision, simultaneously singular and plural, of human rights as well as creating counter-power centers in every community in order to exercise citizenship and unite the social forces that promote our rights in all their aspects, which, in effect will oppose the anti-democratic centers of economic and political power and ultimately recognize citizens’ rights.

3)       Given the extensive interdependence of the processes that traverse our contemporary reality (being that economic processes directly influence social processes such as access to education, health, housing, etc., and cultural processes such as respecting different life-styles and traditions) and given the indivisibility of human rights, recognized by the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948 and re-affirmed by Declaration and Program of Action agreed to at the World Human Rights Conference in Vienna in 1993, it is impossible to conceive of a fight for the promotion of civil and political rights separate from the fight to promote and guarantee economic, social, cultural, and environmental rights. In other words – today more than ever before – one cannot think of the fight against domestic violence, against torture in prisons, or in the favor of freedom of expression without thinking of solutions for the effective guarantee of the right to education, access to health, employment, a just salary, a dignified life, respect for cultural and individual diversity, access to land and water, etc.


For these reasons, in Rio Grande do Norte, the Centro de Direitos Humanos e Memoria Popular (Center for Human Rights and Collective Memory, CDHMP), an organization composed of members of civil society with its base in Natal, the state capital, has conceived and is organizing the State Human Rights Network in order to unite social movements, institutions, and individuals dedicated to social causes and thus create activities for the promotion and protection of citizens’ rights (as much civil and political as economic, social, cultural, and environmental) in all the districts and in all the communities in the state.


The State Human Rights Network sees Rio Grande do Norte as a whole composed of all its districts and all its communities, integrated into something much larger in which it continuously and permanently interacts (all of Brazil, the rest of Latin America and the world), and the action to promote, defend and guarantee rights as a plural process (linked to multiple actors), with a microscopic focus (intending to reach all the districts and all the communities in the state), but based in a unified, indivisible and strictly interdependent conception of human rights, in which not one right can be thought of or promoted in an isolated manner, separate from the promotion of all the rest.


To know more about what the Network has already done, is doing and has produced, simply access this page. We depend on your political support and, if you are willing and able, your financial support in order for us to continue moving forward strengthening our fight.


Concerning political support, if you are interested in organizing activities in favor of the State Human Rights Network of Rio Grande do Norte, in any locale in your country to spread the knowledge about the social, political and cultural realities of this part of Brazil,  to show the activities of the organizations that make up the Network, to distribute information about it, or to fundraise in order to help our fight, contact us by writing to or calling one of these numbers: 0055 84 221-5932 / 0055 84 211-2859 and asking for Melissa, who speaks your language.


Concerning financial support, you can contribute to our fight for a Rio Grande do Norte and a Brazil with social justice and rights for all by purchasing our products (books, videos and CD-ROM about history, themes relating to human rights, and revolutionary songs originating from several countries) from our online store, at, clicking on Loja in the main menu, or by donating as much as you are willing and able to our account:



Banco do Brasil – Natal / RN
Agência: 0022-1
Conta Corrente: 7357-1



Thank you for your support and solidarity. We depend on you in order to continue fighting, every day, for a more just Brazil in a humane and sustainable world, convinced that another world is possible and that, together, we can build it.


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DHnet 18 anos - 1995-2013
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História dos Direitos Humanos no Brasil - Projeto DHnet
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Tecido Cultural Ponto de Cultura Rio Grande do Norte
1935 Multimídia Memória Histórica Potiguar