Direitos Humanos
 Desejos Humanos
 Educação EDH
 Memória Histórica
 Arte e Cultura
 Central de Denúncias
 Banco de Dados
 MNDH Brasil
 ONGs Direitos Humanos
 ABC Militantes DH
 Rede Mercosul
 Rede Brasil DH
 Redes Estaduais
 Rede Estadual RN
 Mundo Comissões
 Brasil Nunca Mais
 Brasil Comissões
 Estados Comissões
 Comitês Verdade BR
 Comitê Verdade RN
 Rede Lusófona
 Rede Cabo Verde
 Rede Guiné-Bissau
 Rede Moçambique

Apêndice III: Referências Selecionadas
    Capítulo 7: Manutenção da Lei e da Ordem

    Poderes Básicos na Aplicação da Lei
    Capítulo 8: Captura

    Capítulo 9: Detenção

    Capítulo 10: Uso da Força e Armas de Fogo

    Capítulo 11: Mulher
    Capítulo 12: Crianças e Adolescentes

    Capítulo 13: Vítimas da Criminalidade e Abuso de Poder

    Capítulo 14: Refugiados e Deslocados Internos

    Comando e Gestão
    Capítulo 15: Procedimentos de Supervisão e Revisão

    Capítulo 16: Investigação de Violações dos Direitos Humanos

    Arcabouço Jurídico

    Conceitos Básicos do Direito Internacional
    Direito Internacional - Obras Gerais
    Akehurst, Michael. Modern Introduction to International Law. 6th ed. New Delhi: UBS, 1992.
    Brownlie, Ian. Principles of Public International Law. 4th ed. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1990.
    Cassese, Antonio. International Law in a Divided World. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1986.
    Jennings, Sir Robert, and Sir Arthur Watts, eds. Oppenheim's International Law. 9th ed. Essex, England: Longman, 1992.
    Shaw, Malcolm N. International Law. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1994.
    Shearer, I. A., ed. Starke's International Law. 11th ed. London: Butterworths, 1994.
    Sorensen, Max, ed. Manual of Public International Law. London: Mac Millan Press, 1978.
    Umozurike, U.O. Introduction to Public International Law. Ibadan, Nigeria: Specter Books, 1993.

    As Fontes do Direito Internacional
    Referências Gerais
    Danilenko, G.M. Law-Making in the International Community. Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1993.
    Lauterpacht, Hersch. International Law: Collected Papers. Vol. 1. 51-135, Cambridge, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1970 .
    Pathak, R.S., "The General Theory of the Sources of Contemporary International Law." Indian Journal of International Law 19 (1979): 483-495.
    Parry, C. The Sources and Evidence of International Law. Manchester: Manchester Univ. Press, 1965.

    Akehurst, Michael. "Custom as a Source of International Law." British Yearbook of International Law 47 (1974-75): 1-53.
    D'Amato, Anthony. The Concept of Custom in International Law. Ithaca, New York: Cornell Univ. Press, 1971.
    Rama Rao, T.S. "International Custom." Indian Journal of International Law 19 (1979): 515-521.
    Villiger, Mark E. Customary International Law and Treaties. Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1985.
    Wolfke, Karol. Custom in Present International Law. 2nd ed. Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1993.

    Obs.: Vide também "O Direito dos Tratados".
    Igweike, K.I. "The Definition and Scope of "Treaty" under International Law." Indian Journal of International Law 28 (1988): 249-263.
    Klabber, Jan. The Concept of Treaty in International Law. The Hague: Kluwer, 1996.

    Fontes Adicionais
    Akehurst, Michael. "Equity and General Principles of Law." International and Comparative Law Quarterly 25 (1976): 801-805.
    Asamoah, Obed. Y. The Legal Significance of the Declarations of the General Assembly of the United Nations. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1966.
    Cheng, Bin. General Principles of Law as Applied by International Courts and Tribunals. London: Stevens and Sons, 1953.
    Higgins, Rosalyn. "The Role of Resolutions of International Organisations in the Process of Creating Norms in the International System." Co-Existence 24 (1987): 21- 30.
    Khan, Rahmatullah. "The Legal Status of the Resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly." Indian Journal of International Law 29 (1979): 552-559.
    Lauterpacht, Hersch. The Development of International Law by the International Court of Justice. London: Stevens, 1958.
    Mc Whinney, Edward. The World Court and the International Lawmaking Process. Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands: Sijthoff and Noordhoff, 1979.

    Referências Gerais
    Obs.: Vide também, as referências listadas em "Direito Internacional - Referências Gerais.
    Higgins, Rosalyn. "The Participants in the International Legal System." Recueil des Cours - Hague Academy of International Law 23 (1991): 69-88.
    Menon, P.K. "The Subjects of Modern International Law." Hague Yearbook of International Law 3 (1990): 30-86.

    Crawford, James. The Creation of States in International Law. London: Clarendon Press, 1979.
    DeLupis, Ingrid Detter. International Law and the Independent State. 2nd ed. Brookfield, Vt., USA: Gower Publications, 1987.
    James, Alan. Sovereign Statehood. London: Allen and Unwin, 1986.

    Outras Entidades Legais
    Brownlie, Ian. "The Place of the Individual in International Law." Virginia Law Review 50 (1964): 435-462.
    Lauterpacht, Hersch. International Law and Human Rights. London: Stevens, 1950.
    Menon, P.K. "Individuals as Subjects of International Law." Revue de Droit International 70 (1992): 295-327.
    Menon, P.K. "International Organisations as Subjects of International Law." Revue de Droit International 70 (1992): 61-81.
    Obilade, A.O. "The Individual as a Subject of International Law." Indian Journal of International Law 14 (1974): 90-99.

    Jurisdição do Estado
    Jurisdição Penal e Geral
    Akehurst, Michael. "Jurisdiction in International Law." British Yearbook of International Law 46 (1972): 145-257.
    Bassiouni, M. Cherif, and Ved P. Nanda. International Criminal Law. 2 vols. Springfield, Ill.: Charles C. Thomas Publishing, 1973.
    Schachter, Oscar. "The Jurisdiction Of States." Chpt. XII in International Law in Theory and Practice. Dordrecht: Nijhoff, 1991.

    Imunidade dos Estados
    Badr, Gamal Moursi. State Immunity. Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1984.
    Lewis, Charles J. State and Diplomatic Immunity. 3rd ed. London: Lloyds of London Press, 1990.
    Schreuer, Christopher H. State Immunity: Some Recent Developments. Cambridge: Grotius, 1988.

    Imunidade Diplomática
    Denza, Eilleen. Diplomatic Law. Dobbs Ferry, New York: Oceana Publications, 1976.
    McClanahan, Grant V. Diplomatic Immunity. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1989.

    Responsabilidade dos Estados
    Brownie, Ian. System of the Law of Nations: State Responsibility (Part I). Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1983.
    Rosene, Shabati, ed. The International Law Commission's Draft Articles on State Responsibility. Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1991.
    Spinedi, Marino, and Bruno Simma, eds. United Nations Codification and State Responsibility. Dobbs Ferry, New York: Oceana Publications, 1987.

    O Direito dos Tratados
    Obs.: Vide também as referências listadas em "As Fontes do Direito Internacional - Tratados .
    Elias, T.O. The Modern Law of Treaties. Dobbs Ferry, New York: Oceana Publications, 1974.
    McNair, Arnold. The Law of Treaties. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1961.
    Reuter, Paul. Introduction to the Law of Treaties. London: Kegan Paul International, 1989.
    Rosene, Shabati. The Law of Treaties. Leyden, The Netherlands: Sijtoff, 1970.
    Sinclair, Ian. The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties. Manchester, England: Manchester Univ. Press, 1980.

    Jus Cogens
    Hannikainen, Lauri. Peremptory Norms (jus cogens) in International Law: Historical Development, Criteria, and Present Status. Helsinki: Lakimiesliiton Kustannus, 1988.
    Levan Alexidze. "The Legal Nature of Jus Cogens in Contemporary International Law." Recueil des Cours - The Hague Academy of International Law 172 (1981): 219-270.
    Rao, V. Nageswar. "Jus Cogens and the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties." Indian Journal of International Law 14 (1974): 362-384.

    Arbitragem e Soluções de Controvérsias
    Grey, Christine, and Benedict Kingsbury. "Developments in Dispute Settlement: Inter-State Arbitration Since 1945." British Yearbook of International Law 63 (1992): 97-134.
    Merrills, J.G. International Dispute Settlement. Cambridge: Grotius, 1991.
    Simpson, J.J., and Hazel Fox. International Arbitration. London: Stevens, 1959.

    Tribunal Internacional de Justiça
    Singh, Nagendra. The Role and Record of the International Court of Justice. Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1989.
    Shabati Rosenne. The Law and Practice of the International Court. Leyden, The Netherlands: Sijtoff, 1985.
    Shabati Rosene. The World Court: What It Is and How It Works. 5th ed. Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1995.

    Tribunal Penal Internacional
    Bassiouni, M. Cherif, and Peter Manikas. The Law of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia. Irvington on Hudson, New York: Transnational Pubications, 1996.
    International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia. Basic Documents. The Hague: United Nations, 1995.
    International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, The Prosecutor v. Dusko Tadic, Decision on the Defence Motion for Interlocutory Appeal on Jurisdiction. Case Number IT-94-1-AR72, 2 October 1995.
    Woetzel, B.A. The Nuremberg Trials in International Law. London: Stevens, 1962.

    Direitos Humanos e Direito Internacional Humanitário
    A referência é feita aos textos listados nos respectivos capítulos.

    Direito Internacional dos Direitos Humanos
    Direitos Humanos - Obras Gerais
    Buergenthal, Thomas. International Human Rights. St. Paul, Minn., USA: West Publishing, 1988.
    Cassese, Antonio. Human Rights in a Changing World. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1990.
    Donnelly, Jack. Human Rights in Theory and in Practice. Ithaca, New York: Cornell Univ. Press, 1989.
    Henkin, Louis. The Rights of Man Today. Boulder, Colo., USA: Westview Press, 1978.
    Kalaiah, G.B. Human Rights in International Law. New Delhi: Deep & Deep Publications, 1986.
    Lauterpacht, Hersch. International Law and Human Rights. London: Stevens and Sons, 1950.
    Meron, Theodor, ed. Human Rights in International Law. 2 vols. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1984.
    Newmann, Frank, and David Weissbrodt. International Human Rights. Cincinnati, Ohio, USA: Anderson Publishing, 1990.
    Robertson, A.H., and J.G. Merrills. Human Rights in the World: An Introduction to the Study of the International Protection of Human Rights. 3rd ed. Manchester: Manchester Univ. Press, 1989.
    Sieghart, Paul. The Lawful Rights of Mankind. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1985.
    Sieghart, Paul. The International Law of Human Rights. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1983.
    Steiner, Henry J., and Philip Alston. International Human Rights in Context: Law Politics, Morals. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996.

    Análise Histórica
    Broms, Bengt. The United Nations. Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia, 1990.
    Scott, George. The Rise and Fall of the League of Nations. London: Hutchinson, 1973.
    Weiss, Thomas G., David P. Forsythe, and Roger A. Coate. The United Nations and Changing World Politics. Boulder, Colo., USA: Westview Press, 1994.

    Padrões Internacionais dos Direitos Humanos
    Direito Consuetudinário
    Gunning, Isabelle R. "Modernizing Customary International Law: The Challenge of Human Rights." Virginia Journal of International Law 31 (1991): 211-247.
    Meron, Theodor. Human Rights and Humanitarian Norms as Customary Law. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1989.
    Parker, Karen, and Lynn Beth Neylon. "Jus Cogens: Compelling the Law of Human Rights." Hastings International and Comparative Law Review 12 (1989): 411-463.
    Simma, Bruno, and Philip Alston. "The Sources of Human Rights Law: Custom, Jus Cogens, and General Principles." Australian Yearbook of International Law 12 (1992): 82-108.
    Steiner, Henry J., and Philip Alston. "The Continuing Role of Custom and the Significance of UN Resolutions." In International Human Rights in Context: Law Politics, Morals. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996.

    A Carta da ONU
    Goodrich, Leland M., Edvard Hambro, and Anne P. Simons. The Charter of the Untied Nations: Commentary and Documents. 3rd. ed. New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1969.
    Simma, Bruno, ed. The Charter of the United Nations: A Commentary. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 1994.
    Bentwich, Norman, and Andrew Martin. A Commentary on the Charter of the United Nations. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1951.

    A Declaração Internacional dos Direitos Humanos
    Vide também as referências listadas em "Direitos Humanos - Obras Gerais".
    Henkin, Louis, ed. The International Bill of Rights. New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1981.
    Hickok, Eugene W. The Bill of Rights: Original Meaning and Current Understanding. Charlottesville, Virginia, USA: Univ. Press of Virginia, 1991.
    Jonathan, Gerar Cohen. "Human Rights Covenants." In Encyclopaedia of Public International Law, edited by R. Bernhardt. Vol. II. 915-921. Amsterdam: Elsevier 1995.
    Lauterpacht, Hersch. An International Bill of the Rights of Man. New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1945.
    Mrazek, Josef. "Human Rights: Their International Standards and Protection." Coexistence 27 (1990): 301-335.
    Vijapur, Abdulrahm P. "The Islamic Concept of Human Rights and the International Bill of Rights: The Dilemma of Muslim States." Turkish Yearbook of International Law 15 (1993): 103-133.

    A Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos
    Eide, Asbjorn, et al., eds. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: A Commentary. Oslo: Scandinavian Univ. Press; Oxford: Oxford Univ, Press, 1992.
    Salcendo, Juan Carrillo. "Human Rights, Universal Declaration (1948)." In Encyclopaedia of Public International Law, edited by R. Bernhardt. Vol. II. 922-926. Amsterdam: Elsevier 1995.
    Lauterpacht, Hersch. "Universal Declaration of Human Rights." British Yearbook of International Law 25 (1948): 354-381.

    O Pacto Internacional sobre os Direitos Civis e Políticos
    Bossuyt, Marc J. Guide to the "Travaux Preparatoires" of the International Convention on Civil and Political Rights. Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1987. Also published in the South African Yearbook of International Law 5 (1979): 82-137.
    Jhabvala, Farrokh, "The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights as a Vehicle for the Global Promotion and Protection of Human Rights." Israel Yearbook on Human Rights 15 (1985): 184-203.
    Lippman, Mathew. "Human Rights Revisited: The Protection of Human Rights under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights." Netherlands International Law Review 26 (1979): 221-277.
    Meron, Theodor. "The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights." In Human Rights Law-Making in the United Nations: A Critique of Instruments and Process. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1986.
    Nowak, Manfred. United Nations Convention on Civil and Political Rights: CCPR Commentary. Kehl: N.P. Engel, 1993.

    O Pacto Internacional sobre os Direitos Econômicos, Sociais e Culturais
    Craven, Mathew C. R. The International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights: A Perspective on its Development. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1995.
    Eide, Asbjorn, Catarina Krause, and Allan Rosas. Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights: A Textbook. Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1995.
    Jhabvala, Farrokh. "On Human Rights in the Socio-Economic Context." Netherlands International Law Review 31 (1984) 149-182.

    Outros Tratados de Direitos Humanos
    Banton, Michael. International Action Against Racial Discrimination. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996.
    Burgers, J. Herman, and Hans Danelius. The United Nations Convention Against Torture: A Handbook on the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1988.
    Burrows, Noreen. "The 1974 Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women." Netherlands International Law Review 32 (1985): 419-460.
    Dadawi, Ibrahim Ali. "International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination." Revue Egyptiene de Droit International 33 (1977): 17-33.
    Galey, Margaret. "International Enforcement of Women's Rights." Human Rights Quarterly 6 (1984): 463-490.
    "Genocide: A Commentary on the Convention." Yale Law Journal 58 (1948-49): 1142-1160.
    Jescheck, Hans Heinrich. "Genocide." In Encyclopaedia of Public International Law, edited by R. Bernhardt. Vol. II. 541-544. Amsterdam: Elsevier 1995.
    Kubota, Yu. "The Protection of Children's Rights and the UN." Nordic Journal of International Law 58 (1989): 7-23.
    LeBlanc, Lawrence. The International Convention on the Rights of the Child: United Nations Law-Making on Human Rights. Lincoln, Nebraska: Univ. of Nebraska Press, 1995.
    Lerner, Natan. "The U.N. Convention on Torture." Israel Yearbook on Human Rights 16 (1986): 126-142.
    Meron, Theodor. "The Meaning and Reach of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination." American Journal of International Law 79 (1985): 283-318.
    Meron, Theodor. "The International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination." In Human Rights Law-Making in the United Nations: A Critique of Instruments and Process. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1986.
    Meron, Theodor. "The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women." In Human Rights Law-Making in the United Nations: A Critique of Instruments and Process. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1986.
    Rehof, Lars Adam. Guide to the Travaux Préparatoires of the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women. Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1993.
    Robinson, Nehemiah. The Genocide Convention: A Commentary. New York: Institution of Jewish Affairs, 1960.
    Skupinski, Jan. "Prohibition of Torture and Other Inhuman Treatment: The Development of International Legal Regulation within the United Nations." Polish Yearbook of International Law 15 (1986): 163-192.
    Tardu, Maxime. "The United Nations Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment." Nordic Journal of International Law 56 (1987): 303-321.
    United Nations. The Crime of Genocide: A United Nations Convention Aimed at Preventing the Destruction of Groups and at Punishing Those Responsible. New York: United Nations, 1973.
    Weis, Paul. The Refugee Convention, 1951: The Travaux Preparatoirés Analysed. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1995.
    Welch, Claude E. "Human Rights and African Women: A Comparison of Protection Under Two Major Treaties." Human Rights Quarterly 15 (1993): 549-574.

    Reservas aos Tratados de Direitos Humanos
    Clark, Belinda. "The Vienna Convention Reservations Regime and the Convention on Discrimination Against Women." American Journal of International Law 85 (1991): 289-321.
    Lijnzaad, Liesbeth. Reservations to UN Human Rights Treaties: Ratify or Ruin? Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1995.
    MacDonald, R. St. J. "Reservations under the European Convention on Human Rights." Revue Belge de Droit International 21 (1988): 429-450.
    Schabas, William A. "Reservations to Human Rights Treaties: Time for Innovation and Reform." Canadian Yearbook of International Law 32 (1994): 39-81.
    Schabas, William A. "Reservations to the Convention on the Rights of the Child." Human Rights Quarterly 18 (1996): 472-491.
    Shelton, Dinah. "State Practice on Reservations to Human Rights Treaties." Canadian Human Rights Yearbook (1983): 205-234.

    As Nações Unidas e os Direitos Humanos
    Referências Gerais
    Alston, Philip, ed. The United Nations and Human Rights: A Critical Appraisal. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992.
    Bhalla, S.L. Human Rights: An Institutional Framework for Implementation. Delhi: Docta Shelf Publications, 1991.
    Bosch, Miguel Marin. "United Nations and Human Rights." International Geneva Yearbook 8 (1994): 44-50.
    Brohi, A.K. "The United Nations and Human Rights." Pakistan Horizon 41, no. 4 (1988): 78-94.
    Brohi, A.K. "The United Nations and Human Rights II: The Ethical, Political, and Judicial Implications of the Declaration of Human Rights and the Inadequacy of Legal Procedures for their Enforcement." Pakistan Horizon 42, no. 1 (1989): 36-67.
    Brohi, A.K. "The United Nations and Human Rights III: Enforcement of Human Rights by the General Assembly and Other Organs of the United Nations." Pakistan Horizon 42, no. 2 (1989): 79-108.
    Farer, Tom J. "The United Nations and Human Rights: More Than a Whimper Less Than a Roar." Human Rights Quarterly 9 (1987): 550-585.
    Forsythe, David. "The United Nations and Human Rights 1945-1985." Political Science Quarterly 100 (1985): 249-269.
    Jha, S.K. "The United Nations and Human Rights." India Quarterly 29 (1973): 239-249.
    Marks, Stephen P. "Human Rights, Activities of Universal Organisations." In Encyclopaedia of Public international Law, edited by R. Bernhardt. Vol. II.. 893-902. Amsterdam: Elsevier 1995.BR>Meron, Theodor. Human Rights Law-Making in the United Nations: A Critique of Instruments and Process. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1986.
    United Nations. Action in the Field of Human Rights. New York: United Nations, 1988.

    Órgãos Específicos das Nações Unidas
    Bailey, Sidney D. The UN Security Council and Human Rights. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1994.
    Burrows, Noreen. "Monitoring Compliance of International Standards Relating to Human Rights: The Experience of the UN Commission on the Status of Women." Netherlands International Law Review 31 (1984): 332-354.
    Byrnes; Andrew C. "The Other Human Rights Treaty Body: The Work of the Commission on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women." Yale Journal of International Law 14 (1989): 1-67.
    Cassese, Antonio. "The General Assembly: Historical Perspective 1945-1989." In The United Nations and Human Rights: A Critical Appraisal, edited by Philip Alston, 25-55. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992.
    Eide, Asbjorn. "The Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities." In The United Nations and Human Rights: A Critical Appraisal, edited by Philip Alston, 211-264. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992.
    Gardeniers, Ton, Horst Hannum, and Janice Kruger. "The UN Sub-Commission on the Prevention of Discrimination and the Protection of Minorities: Recent Developments." Human Rights Quarterly 4 (1982): 353-370.
    Haver, Peter. "The Mandate of the United Nations Sub-Commission on the Prevention of Discrimination and the Protection of Minorities." Columbia Journal of Transnational Law 21 (1982): 103-134.
    Humphrey, John P. "The United Nations Sub-Commission on the Prevention of Discrimination and the Protection of Minorities." American Journal of International Law 62 (1968): 869-888.
    Koufa, Kalliopi. "Elimination of Racial Discrimination and the Role of the United Nations Sub-Commission on the Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities." International Geneva Yearbook 10 (1996): 44-63.
    Lord, Janet. "The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights: Challenges and Opportunities." Loyola of Los Angeles International and Comparative Law Journal 17 (1995): 329-363.
    O'Donovan, Declan. "The Economic and Social Council." In The United Nations and Human Rights: A Critical Appraisal, edited by Philip Alston, 107-125. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992.
    Reanda, Laura. "The Commission on the Status of Women." In The United Nations and Human Rights: A Critical Appraisal, edited by Philip Alston, 265-303. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992.
    Schmidt; Markus. "Achieving Much with Little: The Work of the United Nations Centre for Human Rights." Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights 8 (1990): 371-380.
    Tolley, Howard Jr. The United Nations Commission on Human Rights. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1984.

    Mecanismos de Aplicação
    See, the references listed under "Command and Management - Investigating Human Rights Violations: International Mechanisms."

    Acordos Regionais
    Bello, Emmanuel G. "Human Rights, African Developments." In Encyclopaedia of Public International Law, edited by R. Bernhardt. Vol. II. 902-910. Amsterdam: Elsevier 1995.
    Cohen, Ronald, Goren Hyden, and Winston P. Nagen, eds. Human Rights and Governance in Africa. Gainesville Florida: University Press of Florida, 1993.
    Gye-Wado, Onje. "A Comparative Analysis of the Institutional Framework for the Enforcement of Human Rights in Africa and Western Europe." African Journal of International Law 2 (1990): 187-201.
    Hamalengwa, M., C. Flinterman, and E.V.O. Dankwa. The International Law of Human Rights in Africa: Basic Documents and Bibliography. Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1988.
    Okore, Obinna B. "The Protection of Human Rights in Africa and the African Charter on Peoples' Rights: A Comparative Analysis with the European and American Systems." Human Rights Quarterly 6 (1984): 141-159.
    Shivji, Issa G. The Concept of Human Rights in Africa. London: Codesria Book Series, 1989.
    Welch, Claude E. "The African Commission on Human and People's Rights: A Five Year Report and Assessment." Human Rights Quarterly 14 (1992): 43-61.

    As Américas
    Buergenthal, Thomas, Robert Norris, and Dinah Shelton. Protecting Human Rights in the Americas: Selected Problems. 3rd ed. Kehl: N.P. Engel, 1990.
    Buergenthal, Thomas, and Robert E. Norris. Human Rights: The Inter-American System. 6 vols. Dobbs Ferry, New York: Oceana Publications, 1993.
    Davidson, Scott. The Inter-American Court of Human Rights. Aldershot, England: Dartmouth, 1992.
    Quiroga, Cecilia Medina. The Battle of Human Rights: Gross Systemic Violations and the Inter-American System. Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1988.

    van Dijk, P., and G.H.J. van Hoof. Theory and Practice of the European Convention of Human Rights. 2nd ed. Deventer, The Netherlands: Kluwer, 1990.
    Fawcett, J.E.S. The Application of the European Convention of Human Rights. 2nd ed. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1987.
    Harris, D.J., M. O'Boyle, and C. Warbick. Law of the European Convention on Human Rights. London: Butterworths, 1995.
    Jacobs, Francis G. The European Convention on Human Rights. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1975.
    Robertson, A.H., and J.G. Merrills. Human Rights in Europe: A Study of the European Convention on Human Rights. 3rd ed. Manchester, England: Manchester Univ. Press, 1993.
    Siter, Keith D. "The European Convention on Human Rights." Australian Outlook 33 (1979): 97-110.
    Trotman, A.B. "The European Convention on Human Rights: Its Relevance to the Commonwealth Caribbean." Caribbean Affairs 2 (1989): 141-154.

    Downey, P.J. "The Implementation of Human Rights in the South Pacific Region." Australian Outlook 34 (1980): 268-274.
    Khusalani, Yogindra. "Human Rights in Asia and Africa." Human Rights Law Journal 4 (1983): 403-442.
    Tang, James T. H. Human Rights and International Relations in the Asia Pacific. London: Pinter, 1995.
    Welch, Claude E., and Virginia A. Leary, eds. Asian Perspectives on Human Rights. Boulder: Colorado: Westview Press, 1990.

    A Liga dos Estados Árabes
    Daoudi, Riad. "Human Rights Commission of the Arab States." In Encyclopaedia of Public International Law, edited by R. Bernhardt. Vol. II. 913-915. Amsterdam: Elsevier 1995.

    Direito Internacional Humanitário
    Origem e Desenvolvimento
    Bello, Emmanuel G. "Shared Legal Concepts Between African Customary Norms and International Humanitarian Law." Revue de Droit Pénal Militaire et de Droit de la Guerre 23 (1984): 285-310.
    Bello, Emmanuel. African Customary Humanitarian Law. Geneva: Oyez Publishing & International Committee of the Red Cross, 1980.
    Coursier, Henri. "The Origins of Humanitarian Law." Parts I-VI. Revue Internationale de la Croix Rouge - English Supplement 5 (1952): 222-240; 6 (1953): 9-22; 6 (1953): 28-46; 6 (1953): 74-82; 6 (1953): 90-99; 6 (1953): 138-149.
    Davis, George B. "Dr. Francis Lieber's Instructions for the Government of Armies in the Field." American Journal of International Law 1 (1907): 13-25.
    Diallo, Yolande. "African Traditions and Humanitarian Law." International Review of the Red Cross 16, no. 185 (1976): 387-401.
    Diallo, Yolande. "Humanitarian Law and Traditional African Law." International Review of the Red Cross 16, no. 179 (1976): 57-63.
    Draper, G.I.A.D. "The Development of International Humanitarian Law: " In International Dimensions of Humanitarian Law, edited by UNESCO & Henry Dunant Institute, 67-90. Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1988.
    Draper, G.I.A.D. "Humanitarianism in the Modern Law of Armed Conflict." International Relations 11 (1992): 239-252.
    Dunant, Henry. A Memory of Solferino. Geneva: International Committee of the Red Cross, 1986.
    Greig, D.W. "The Underlying Principles of International Humanitarian Law." Australian Yearbook of International Law 9 (1985): 46-85.
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    Meurant, Jaques. "Inter Arma Caritas: Evolution and Nature of International Humanitarian Law." Journal of Peace Research 24 (1987): 237-249.
    Mubiala, Mutoy. "African States and the Promotion of Humanitarian Principles." International Review of the Red Cross 29, no. 269 (1989): 93-110.
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    Sornarajah, M. "An Overview of the Asian Approaches to International Humanitarian Law." Australian Yearbook of International Law 9 (1985): 238-244.
    Yamani, Ahmed Zaki. "Humanitarian International Law in Islam: A General Outlook." Michigan Yearbook of International Legal Studies 7 (1985): 189-215.

    Direito Internacional Humanitário
    Referências Gerais
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    O Direito de Genebra
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    O Direito de Haia
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    Direito "Misto"
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    O Movimento Internacional da Cruz Vermelha e do Crescente Vermelho
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    O Papel do Comitê Internacional da Cruz Vermelha
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    O Direito Internacional Humanitário e o Direito dos Direitos Humanos
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    Premissas Básicas da Aplicação da Lei

    A Aplicação da Lei nos Estados Democráticos
    Democracia, o Estado de Direito e os Direitos Humanos
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    Jelin, Elizabeth, and Eric Hershlberg, eds. Constructing Democracy: Human Rights, Citizenship, and Society in Latin America. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1996.
    Kamau Kuria, Gibson. "Human Rights and Democracy in Africa." The Fletcher Forum of World Affairs 15 (1991): 131-148.
    Müller, Jörg Paul. "Fundamental Rights in Democracy." Human Rights Law Journal 4 (1983): 131-148.
    Pietrowski, Michele S. "The One Party State as a Threat to Civil and Political Liberties in Kenya." In Africa Human Rights in a Changing World, edited by Eileen McCarthy-Arnolds, David R. Penna, and Debra Joy Cruz Sobrepena, 131-146. Westport, Ct., USA: Greenwood Press, 1994.
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    Steiner, Henry. "Political Participation as a Human Right." Harvard Human Rights Yearbook 1 (1988): 77- 134.
    Wanandi, Jusuf. "Human Rights and Democracy in the ASEAN Nations: The Next 25 Years." The Indonesian Quarterly 21 (1993): 15-24.
    Wanda, B.P. "The One Party State and the Protection of Human Rights in Africa with Particular Reference to Political Rights." African Journal of International and Comparative Law 3 (1991): 756-770.

    A Aplicação da Lei e os Direitos Humanos
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    Cawthra, Gavin. "The Police in a New South Africa." In Policing South Africa: The South African Police and the Transition from Apartheid, 161-208. London: Zed Books, 1993.
    Clark, Roger S. The United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Program: Formulation of Standards and Efforts at Their Implementation. Philadelphia, Penn., USA: Univ. of Pennsylvania Press, 1994.
    Council of Europe. Human Rights and the Police. Strasbourg: Council of Europe, 1984.
    Crawshaw, Ralph. Human Rights and the Theory and Practice of Policing. Papers in the Theory and Practice of Human Rights No. 10. Colchester, United Kingdom: Human Rights Centre, University of Essex.
    Diaz, S.M. "Police and the Problem of Human Rights." In Encyclopedia of Police in India, vol. II, edited by S.K. Gosh and K.F. Rustamji, 671-684. New Delhi: Ashish Publishing House, 1994.
    Goldstein, Herman. Policing a Free Society. Cambridge, Mass., USA: Ballinger Publishing, 1977.
    Gutto, Shadrack B.O. "Human Rights and the Rule of Law in the Transformation of the Criminal Justice System in Kenya." In The Protection of Human Rights in African Criminal Proceedings, edited by M. Cherif Bassiouni and Ziyad Motala, 131-148. Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1995.
    Henderson, George. Police Human Relations. Springfield, Illinois, USA: Charles C. Thomas Publishing, 1981.
    Hertzberg, Sandra, and Carmela Zammuto. The Protection of Human Rights in the Criminal Process under International Instruments and National Constitutions. Toulouse, France: Erès, 1981.
    Huber, Barbara. "Human Rights and Criminal Law: The Impact of the European Court of Human Rights on the Administration of Justice of its Members." Comparative and International Law Journal of South Africa 16 (1981): 300-314.
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    A Conduta Ética e Legal na Aplicação da Lei
    A Conduta Ética e Legal na Aplicacão da Lei
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    Shearinf, C.D., ed. Organizational Police Deviance: Its Structure and Control. Toronto, Canada: Butterworth and Co., 1981.

    Responsabilidades Básicas na Aplicação da Lei

    Prevenção e Detecção do Crime
    O Arcabouço Jurídico para a Aplicação da Lei
    Garantias Judicias e o Direito à Privacidade
    Bakken, Timothy. "International Law and Human Rights for Defendants in Criminal Trials." Indian Journal of International Law 25 (1985): 411-423.
    Harris, David. "The Right to a Fair Trial in Criminal Proceedings as a Human Right." International and Comparative Law Quarterly 16 (1967): 352-378.
    McGoldrick, Dominic. "Article 14." In The Human Rights Committee: Its Role in the Development of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. 396-458. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991.
    Noor Muhammad, Haji N.A. "Due Process of Law for Persons Accused of Crime." In The International Bill of Rights, edited by Louis Henkin. New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1981.
    Nowak, Manfred. "Article 14: Procedural Guarantees in Civil and Criminal Trials." In United Nations Convention on Civil and Political Rights: CCPR Commentary. 233-273. Kehl: N.P. Engel, 1993.
    Nowak, Manfred. "Article 17: Privacy." In United Nations Convention on Civil and Political Rights: CCPR Commentary. 287-307. Kehl: N.P. Engel, 1993.
    Stavros, Stephanos. "The Rights to a Fair Trial In Emergency Situations." International and Comparative Law Quarterly 41 (1992): 343-365.
    Van Dijk, Pieter. "Universal Legal Principles of Fair Trial in Criminal Proceedings." In Human Rights in a Changing East - West Perspective, edited by Allan Rosas and Jan Helgesen, 89-135. London: Pinter Publishers, 1990.
    Volio, Fernando. "Legal Personality, Privacy, and the Family." In The International Bill of Rights, edited by Louis Henkin, 184-208. New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1981.

    Prevenção e Detecção do Crime
    Levantamento de Provas e Interrogatórios
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    Fernandez, Lovell. Police Abuses of Non-Political Criminal Suspects: A Survey of Practices in the Cape Peninsula Area. Cape Town, South Africa: Institute of Criminology, University of Cape Town, 1991.
    Hanks, Peter, and John D. McCamus. National Security: Surveillance and Accountability in a Democratic Society. Cowansville, Quebec, Canada: Les Editions Yvon Blais, 1989.
    Hillyard, Paddy. Suspect Community: People's Experience of the Prevention of Terrorism Acts in Britain. Boulder, Colorado, USA: Westview Press, 1993.
    Human Rights Watch. Torture and Ill-Treatment: Israeli's Interrogation of Palestinians from the Occupied Territories. New York: Human Rights Watch, 1994.
    Nsereko, Daniel D. N. "The Poisoned Tree: Responses to Involuntary Confessions in Criminal Proceedings in Botswana, Uganda, and Zambia." In The Protection of Human Rights in African Criminal Proceedings, edited by M. Cherif Bassiouni and Ziyad Motala, 83-102. Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1995.
    O'Hara, Charles, and Gregory L. O'Hara. Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation. 5th ed. Springfield Illinois: Charles C. Thomas, 1988.
    Richards, G. "Effective Police-Community Relations are the Cornerstone of the Prevention and Detection of Crime." The Police Journal 65, no. 1 (1992): 10-20.
    Rodley, Nigel. The Treatment of Prisoners Under International Law. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1987.
    Sieghart, Paul. "Physical Integrity." In The International Law of Human Rights. 128-192. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1983.

    Desaparecimentos e Mortes Extra-Legais
    Amnesty International. Getting Away with Murder: Political Killings and Disappearances in the 1990's. London: Amnesty International, 1993.
    Amnesty International. "Disappearances and Political Killings" Human Rights Crisis of the 1990s: A Manual for Action. Amsterdam: Amnesty International, 1994.
    Amnesty International. Peru: Disappearances, Torture, and Summary Executions by Government Forces After the Prison Revolts of June 1986. London: Amnesty International, 1987.
    Asia Watch. Police Killings and Rural Violence in Andhra Pradesh: Human Rights in India. New York: Human Rights Watch, 1992.
    Brody, Reed. "Commentary on the Draft UN Declaration on the Protection of All Persons from Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances." Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights 4 (1990): 381-394.
    Chevigny, Paul, and Belle Gale Chevigny. Police Abuse in Brazil: Summary Execution and Torture in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. New York; Americas Watch, 1987.
    Human Rights Watch. Final Justice: Police and Death Squad Homicides of Adolescents in Brazil. New York: Human Rights Watch, 1994.
    Kaufman, E., and P. Weiss Fagen. "Extrajudicial Execution: An Insight in the Global Dimensions of a Human Rights Violation." Human Rights Quarterly 3 (1981): 81-100.
    Rodley, Nigel. "Disappeared Prisoners - Unacknowledged Detention." In The Treatment of Prisoners Under International Law, 191-217. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1987.
    Rodley, Nigel. "Extra-Legal Execution." In The Treatment of Prisoners Under International Law, 144-164. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1987.
    Weisbrodt, David. "Protecting the Right to Life: International Measures Against Arbitrary or Summary Killings by Governments." In The Right to Life, edited by B.G. Ramcharan, 297-314. Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1985.

    A Administração da Justiça Juvenil
    Vide as referências em "A Aplicação da Lei nos Casos de Grupos Vulneráveis - Crianças e Adolescentes: A Administração da Justiça Juvenil"

    As Vítimas da Criminalidade e Abuso de Poder
    Vide as referências em "A Aplicação da Lei nos Casos de Grupos Vulneráveis - Vítimas".

    Manutenção da Lei e da Ordem
    Reuniões e Manifestações
    Africa Watch. The Article 19 Freedom of Expression Manual: International and Comparative Law, Standards, and Procedures. London: Africa Watch, 1993.
    Coliver, Sandra, ed. Striking a Balance: Hate Speech, Freedom of Expression, and Non-Discrimination. London: Human Rights Centre University of Essex, 1992.
    Dimitrijevic, Vojiin. "Freedom of Opinion and Expression." In Human Rights in a Changing East-West Perspective, edited by Allan Rosas and Jan Helgesen, 58-88. London: Pinter Publishers, 1990.
    Garibaldi, Oscar M. "General Limitations of Human Rights: The Principle of Legality." Harvard International Law Journal 17 (1976): 503-557.
    Gosh, S.K. Freedom of Speech and Assembly and Public Order. New Delhi: Ashish Publishing House, 1993.
    Kiss, Alexandre C. "Permissible Limitations on Rights." In The International Bill of Rights, edited by Louis Henkin, 290-310. New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1981.
    Lawson, Edward. "Freedom of Peaceful Assembly. " In Encyclopedia of Human Rights. 2nd ed. 530-535. New York: Taylor and Francis, 1996.
    Lawson, Edward. "Freedom of Opinion and Expression." In Encyclopedia of Human Rights. 2nd ed. 457-551. Washington D.C.: Taylor and Francis, 1996.
    McGoldrick, Dominic. "Article 19." In The Human Rights Committee: Its Role in the Development of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. 459-479. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991.
    Nowak, Manfred. "Article 21: Freedom of Assembly." In United Nations Convention on Civil and Political Rights: CCPR Commentary. 370-384. Kehl: N.P. Engel, 1993.
    Nowak, Manfred. "Article 19: Freedom of Opinion, Expression and Information." In United Nations Convention on Civil and Political Rights: CCPR Commentary. 335-358. Kehl: N.P. Engel, 1993.
    Partsch, Karl Josef. "Freedom of Conscience and Expression, and Political Freedoms." In The International Bill of Rights, edited by Louis Henkin, 209-245. New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1981.
    Shetreet, Shimon, ed. Free Speech and National Security. Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1991.

    Distúrbios Interiores e Tensões Internas
    Bassiouni, M. Cherif, ed. The Law of Dissent and Riots. Springfield Ill., USA: Charles C. Thomas Publishing, 1971.
    Burgos, Hernan Salinas. "The Application of International Humanitarian Law as Compared to Human Rights Law in Situations Qualified as Internal armed Conflict, Internal Disturbances and Tensions, or Public Emergency, with Special Reference to War crimes and Political Crimes." In Implementation of International Humanitarian Law, edited by Frits Kalshoven and Yves Sandoz, 1-30. Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1989.
    Daranowski, Piotr. "Rules of Humanitarian Treatment of Individuals in Situations of Internal Disturbances and Tensions: Prospects for Protection and Regulation." Polish Quarterly of International Affairs 3 (1994): 159-170.
    Eide, Asbjörn. "Internal Disturbances and Tensions." In International Dimensions of Humanitarian Law, edited by UNESCO & Henry Dunant Institute, 241-258. Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers: 1988.
    International Committee of the Red Cross. "Declaration of Minimum Humanitarian Standards - Declaration of Turku." International Review of the Red Cross, no. 282 (May-June 1991): 328-336.
    International Committee of the Red Cross. "ICRC Protection and Assistance Activities in Situation Not Covered by International Humanitarian Law." International Review of the Red Cross, no. 262 (Jan.- Feb. 1988): 9-37.
    Kiwanuka, Richard N. "Humanitarian Norms and Internal Strife: Problems and Prospects." " In Implementation of International Humanitarian Law, edited by Frits Kalshoven and Yves Sandoz, 229-262. Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1989.
    Meron, Theodor. Human Rights in Internal Strife: Their International Protection. Cambridge: Grotius Publications, 1987.
    Meron, Theodor. "On the Inadequate Reach of Humanitarian and Human Rights Law and the Need for a New Instrument." American Journal of International Law 77 (1983): 589-606.
    Meron, Theodor. "Towards a Humanitarian Declaration on Internal Strife." American Journal of International Law 78 (1984): 859-869.
    Rwelamira, Medard R. "The Role of International Humanitarian Law in Internal Disturbances and Tension Situations: Some Reflections." Comparative and International Law Journal of South Africa 20 (1987): 175-189.
    Sen, Sankar. "Terrorist Violence and Human Rights." The Police Journal 67 (1994): 39-44.

    Estado de Emergência
    Amnesty International. Torture and Violations of the Right to Life under States of Emergency. London: Amnesty International, 1988.
    Buergenthal, Thomas. "To Respect and Ensure: State Obligations and Permissible Derogations." In The International Bill of Rights, edited by Louis Henkin, 72-91. New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1981.
    Fitzpatrick, Joan. Human Rights in Crisis: The International System for Protecting Rights During States of Emergency. Philadelphia, Penn., USA: Univ. of Pennsylvania Press, 1994.
    Green, Leslie C. "Derogations of Human Rights in Emergency Situations." Canadian Yearbook of International Law 16 (1978): 92-115.
    Hartman, Joan F. "Derogation from Human Rights Treaties in Public Emergencies." Harvard International Law Journal 22 (1981): 1-52.
    Higgins, Rosalyn. "Derogation Under Human Rights Treaties." British Yearbook of International Law 48 (1976-77): 281-320.
    International Commission of Jurists. States of Emergency: Their Impact on Human Rights. Geneva: International Commission of Jurists, 1983.
    International Committee of the Red Cross. "Declaration of Minimum Humanitarian Standards - Declaration of Turku." International Review of the Red Cross, no. 282 (May-June 1991): 328-336.
    Lawson, Edward. "States of Emergency" In Encyclopedia of Human Rights. 2nd ed. 1407-1412. New York: Taylor and Francis, 1996.
    McGoldrick, Dominic. "Article 4." 301-327. In The Human Rights Committee: Its Role in the Development of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991.
    Nowak, Manfred. "Article 4: Permissible Derogations in Time of Public Emergency." In United Nations Convention on Civil and Political Rights: CCPR Commentary. 72-94. Kehl: N.P. Engel, 1993.
    Oraà, Jamie. Human Rights in States Of Emergency in International Law. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1992.

    Conflito Armado Não Internacional
    Abi-Saab, Georges. "Non-International Armed Conflict." In International Dimensions of Humanitarian Law, edited by UNESCO & Henry Dunant Institute, 217-241. Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers: 1988.
    Baloro, John. "International Humanitarian Law and Situations of Internal Armed Conflict in Africa." African Journal of International and Comparative Law 4 (1992): 449-471.
    Bothe, Michael, Karl Josef Partsch, and Waldemar A. Solf. New Rules for the Victims of Armed Conflicts. 604-706. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1982.
    Crawshaw, Ralph W. "Police and the Law of Armed Conflict." The Police Journal 64 (1991): 258-268.
    Forsythe, David. "Legal Management of Internal War: The 1977 Protocol on Non-International Armed Conflict." American Journal of International Law 72 (1978): 272-295.
    Green, Leslie C. The Contemporary Law of Armed Conflict. 303-316. Manchester: Manchester Univ. Press, 1993.
    Hampson, Francoise. "Human Rights and Humanitarian Law in Internal Conflicts. In Armed Conflict and the New Law, edited by Michael Meyer, 55-80. London: British Institute of International and Comparative Law, 1989.
    Kalshoven, Frits. Constraints on the Waging of War. Geneva: International Committee of the Red Cross, 1991.
    Kwakwa, Edward K. The International Law of Armed Conflict: Personal and Material Fields of Application. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publications, 1992.
    Levie, Howard S, ed. The Law of Non-International Armed Conflict: Protocol II to the 1949 Geneva Conventions. Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1987.
    Meindersma, Christa. "Applicability of Humanitarian Law in International and Internal Armed Conflict." Hague Yearbook of International Law 7 (1994): 113-139.
    Sandoz, Yves, et al. I>Commentary on the Additional Protocols of 8 June 1977 to the Geneva Conventions 12 August 1949. 1307-1509. Geneva: International Committee of the Red Cross & Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1987.
    Schinlder, Dietrich. The Different Types of Conflicts According to the Geneva Conventions and Protocols." Recueil des Cours - Hague Academy of International Law 163 (1979): 117-164.
    Umozurike, U.O. "The Application of International Humanitarian Law to Civil Conflicts." African Journal of International and Comparative Law 4 (1992): 493-505.

    Conflito Armado Internacional
    Bothe, Michael, Karl Josef Partsch, and Waldemar A. Solf. New Rules for the Victims of Armed Conflicts. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1982.
    Crawshaw, Ralph W. "Police and the Law of Armed Conflict." The Police Journal 64 (1991): 258-268.
    Green, Leslie C. The Contemporary Law of Armed Conflict. Manchester: Manchester Univ. Press, 1993.
    Kalshoven, Frits. Constraints on the Waging of War. Geneva: International Committee of the Red Cross, 1991.
    Kwakwa, Edward K. The International Law of Armed Conflict: Personal and Material Fields of Application. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publications, 1992.
    Meindersma, Christa. "Applicability of Humanitarian Law in International and Internal Armed Conflict." Hague Yearbook of International Law 7 (1994): 113-139.
    Pictet, Jean. The Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 Commentary. 4 vols. Geneva: International Committee of the Red Cross, 1952-1960.
    Sandoz, Yves, et al. Commentary on the Additional Protocols of 8 June 1977 to the Geneva Conventions 12 August 1949. Geneva: International Committee of the Red Cross & Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1987.
    Schindler, Dietrich. "The Different Types of Conflicts According to the Geneva Conventions and Protocols." Recueil des Cours - Hague Academy of International Law 163 (1979): 117-164.

    Poderes Básicos na Aplicação da Lei

    Definições e Captura na Aplicação da Lei
    Dinstein, Yoram. "The Right to Life, Physical Integrity, and Liberty." In The International Bill of Rights, edited by Louis Henkin, 114-137. New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1981.
    Hassan, Parvez. "The Word "Arbitrary" as Used in the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights: "Illegal" or "Unjust"? Harvard International Law Journal 10 (1969): 225-262.
    Lawson, Edward. "Arbitrary Arrest, Detention, and Exile." In Encyclopedia of Human Rights. 2nd ed. 95-98. Washington D.C.: Taylor and Francis, 1996.
    Lopez, Christina Anne. "Freedom form Arbitrary Arrest and Detention in the Philippines: A Problem of Enforcement." Boston College Third World Law Journal 4 (1983): 72-98.
    Maki, Linda J. "General Principles of Human Rights Law Recognised by All Nations; Freedom From Arbitrary Arrest and Detention." California Western International Law Journal 10 (1980): 272-313.
    Marcoux, Laurent Jr. "Protection From Arbitrary Arrest and Detention Under International Law." Boston College International and Comparative Law Review 5 (1982): 345-376.
    Nowak, Manfred. "Article 9: Liberty and Security of Person." In United Nations Convention on Civil and Political Rights: CCPR Commentary. 158-182. Kehl: N.P. Engel, 1993.
    Rodley, Nigel. "Guarantees Against Abuses of the Human Person: Arbitrary Arrest and Detention." In The Treatment of Prisoners Under International Law. 256-279. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1987.
    Sieghart, Paul. "Liberty and Security: Arrest and Detention." In The International Law of Human Rights. 135-148. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1983.
    United Nations. United Nations Study on the Right of Everyone to be Free From Arbitrary Arrest, Detention and Exile. 34 U.N. ESCOR Supp. (No. 8) U.N. Doc. E/CN.4/826/rev.1 (1964).

    Detenção e o Direito Internacional dos Direitos Humanos
    Definições, Proibições e Tratamento Humano
    Amnesty International. Togo: Political Imprisonment and Torture. London: Amnesty International, 1986.
    Amnesty International. Syria: Long-Term Detention and Torture of Political Prisoners. London: Amnesty International, 1992.
    Amnesty International. Kampuchea: Political Imprisonment and Torture. London: Amnesty International, 1987.
    Amnesty International. Amnesty International Report on the Allegations of Ill-Treatment of Prisoners at Archambault Institution Quebec, Canada. London: Amnesty International, 1983.
    Burgers, J. Herman, and Hans Danelius. The United Nations Convention Against Torture: A Handbook Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1988.
    Cook, Helena. "Preventive Detention: International Standards and the Protection of the Individual." In Preventive Detention: A Comparative and International Law Perspective, edited by Stanislaw Frankowski and Dinah Shelton, 1-52. Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1992.
    Evans, Malcolm, and Rod Morgan. "The European Convention for the Prevention of Torture: Operational Practice." International and Comparative Law Quarterly 41 (1992): 590-614.
    Human Rights Watch Prison Project. The Human Rights Watch Global Report on Prisons. New York: Human Rights Watch, 1993.
    Lawson, Edward. "Prisoners." In Encyclopedia of Human Rights. 2nd ed. 1181-1194. Washington D.C.: Taylor and Francis, 1996.
    Lawson, Edward. "Torture." In Encyclopedia of Human Rights. 2nd ed. 1444-1464. Washington D.C.: Taylor and Francis, 1996.
    Nowak, Manfred. "Article 10: Right of Detainees to be Treated with Humanity and Dignity." In United Nations Convention on Civil and Political Rights: CCPR Commentary. 183-192. Kehl: N.P. Engel, 1993.
    Penal Reform International. Making Standards Work: An International Handbook on Good Prison Practice. The Hague: Penal Reform International, 1995.
    Rodley, Nigel. The Treatment of Prisoners Under International Law. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1987.
    Skoler, D.L. "World Implementation of he United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners." Journal of Law and Economics 10 (1975): 453-482.
    Toman, Jiri. "Quasi-Legal Standards and Guidelines for Protecting Human Rights of Detained Persons." In Guide to International Human Rights Practice, edited by Hurst Hannum for the International Human Rights Law Group. 200-219. Philadelphia, Penn., USA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1984.
    Tomasevski, Katarina. Prison Health: International Standards and National Practices in Europe. Helsinki: Helsinki European United Nations Institute, 1992.
    Treverton-Jones, G.D. Imprisonment: The Legal Status and Rights of Prisoners. London: Maxwell and Sweet, 1989.
    United Nations Commission on Human Rights. Questions of the Human Rights of All Persons Subjected to Any Form of Detention or Imprisonment, Torture, and Other Cruel Inhuman or Degrading Punishment. Report by Special Rapporteur P. Kooijmans. United Nations Document E/CN.4/1987/13. Geneva: United Nations, 1987.
    United Nations Centre for Human Rights, and Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Branch. Human Rights and Pre-Trial Detention: A Handbook of International Standards Relating to Pre-Trial Detention. New York and Geneva: United Nations, 1994.
    United Nations Secretariat. The Implementation of the UN's Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners. Report to the VIth United Nations Conference on Crime Prevention and the Treatment of Offenders. UN Doc. A/Conf/87/11, 10 July 1980. New York: United Nations, 1980.
    Williams, Paul R. The Treatment of Detainees: An Examination of Issues Relevant to Detention by the United Nations Human Rights Committee. Geneva: Henry Dunant Institute, 1990.

    A Situação Especial das Crianças e Adolescentes
    Defence for Children International. Children in Prison in Turkey. Geneva: Defence for Children International, 1988.
    Human Rights Watch Children's Rights Project. United States Children in Confinement in Louisiana. New York: Human Rights Watch, 1995.
    Lawson, Edward. "Juvenile Justice: Standards Minimum Rules for the Administration of Juvenile Justice." In Encyclopedia of Human Rights. 2nd ed. 922-935. Washington D.C.: Taylor and Francis, 1996.
    Tomasevski, Katarina, ed. Children in Adult Prisons: An International Perspective. London: F. Pinter, 1986.
    United Nations Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs. "Juvenile Justice in International Perspective." International Review of Criminal Policy 39-40 (1990): Special Double Issue.
    United Nations Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities. Application of International Standards Concerning the Human Rights of Detained Juveniles. Report Prepared by the Special Rapporteur, Mrs. Mary Concepcion Bautista, Pursuant to Sub-Commission Resolution 1990/21. United Nations Document E/CN.4/Sub.2/1991/24. Geneva: United Nations, 1991.
    Van Bueren, Geraldine. "The Administration of Juvenile Justice and the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency." In The International Law on the Rights of the Child, 169-205. Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1995.
    Veerman, Philip, and Adir Waldman. "When Can Children and Adolescents be Detained Separately from Adults? : The Case of Palestinian Children Deprived of Their Liberty in Israeli Military Jails and Prisons." International Journal of Children's Rights 4 (1996): 147-160.

    A Situação Especial da Mulher
    Amnesty International. Rape and Sexual Abuse: Torture and Ill-Treatment of Women in Detention. 1991.
    Hahn-Rafter, Nicole. "Even in Prison, Women Are Treated as Second Class Citizens." Human Rights 14 (1987): 28-51.
    Human Rights Watch. Double Jeopardy: Police Abuses of Women in Pakistan. New York: Human Rights Watch, 1992.

    Detenção e o Direito Internacional Humanitário
    Distúrbios Interiores, Tensões Internas e Estado de Emergência
    Vide as referências listadas em "Poderes Básicos na Aplicação da lei: Manutenção da Lei e da Ordem - Distúrbios Interiores e Tensões Internas".

    Conflito Armado Não Internacional
    Bothe, Michael, Karl Josef Partsch, and Waldemar A. Solf. "Part II: Humane Treatment." New Rules for the Victims of Armed Conflicts. 633-653. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1982.
    Green, Leslie C. "The Law of Non-International Armed Conflict." In The Contemporary Law of Armed Conflict. 303-317. Manchester: Manchester Univ. Press, 1993.
    Sandoz, Yves, et al. "Commentary on the Additional Protocol to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 and Relating to the Protection of Victims of Non-International armed Conflicts (Protocol II): Part II Humane Treatment." In Commentary on the Additional Protocols of 8 June 1977 to the Geneva Conventions 12 August 1949. 1365-1402. Geneva: International Committee of the Red Cross & Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1987.

    Conflito Armado Internacional
    Bothe, Michael, Karl Josef Partsch, and Waldemar A. Solf. "Article 75 : Fundamental Guarantees." New Rules for the Victims of Armed Conflicts. 452-466. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1982.
    Green, Leslie C. "Prisoners of War." In The Contemporary Law of Armed Conflict. 188-206. Manchester: Manchester Univ. Press, 1993.
    Hingorani, R.C. Prisoners of War. 2nd ed. New Delhi: Oxford and IBH Publishing, 1982.
    Sandoz, Yves, et al. "Commentary on the Additional Protocol to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 and Relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts (Protocol I): Article 75 Fundamental Guarantees." In Commentary on the Additional Protocols of 8 June 1977 to the Geneva Conventions 12 August 1949. 862-890. Geneva: International Committee of the Red Cross & Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1987

    O Papel e a Responsabilidade do Comitê Internacional da Cruz Vermelha
    Daudin, Pascal, and Hernán Reyes. "Armed Conflicts and Analogous Disturbances: How Visits by the ICRC Help Prisoners Cope with the Effects of Traumatic Stress." In International Responses to Traumatic Stress, edited by Yael Danieli, Nigel S. Rodley, and Lars Weisaeth, 219-256. Amityville, New York: Baywood Publishing, 1996.
    International Committee of the Red Cross, and International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. "Section V: War Time Activities." In Handbook of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. 13th ed. Geneva: International Committee of the Red Cross and International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, 1994.
    International Committee of the Red Cross. "The International Committee of the Red Cross and Torture." International Review of the Red Cross, no. 189 (1976): 610-616.
    Moreillon, Jaques. "The International Committee of the Red Cross and the Protection of Political Detainees." International Review of the Red Cross, no. 164 (1974): 585-595; 15, no. 169 (1975): 171-183.
    International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and Henry Dunant Institute. Activities of National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in Prisons. Geneva: International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and Henry Dunant Institute, 1994.

    Uso da Força e Armas de Fogo
    Questões Legais Associadas ao Uso da Força e Armas de Fogo
    Alderson, John. "The Doctrine of Minimum Force." In Policing Freedom: A Commentary on the Dilemmas of Policing in Western Democracies. 49-50. Plymouth, England: MacDonald and Evans, 1979.
    Amnesty International. France: Shootings, Killings and Alleged Ill-Treatment by Law Enforcement Officers. London: Amnesty International, 1994.
    Amnesty International. United States of America: Torture, Ill Treatment and Excessive Use of Force in Los Angeles, California. New York: Amnesty International, 1992.
    Amnesty International. Philippines: Unlawful Killings by Military and Paramilitary Forces. New York: Amnesty International, 1988.
    Asmal, Kadar. Shoot to Kill? International Lawyers' Inquiry into the Lethal Use of Firearms by the Security Forces in Northern Ireland. Dublin: Mercier Press, 1985.
    Binder, A. and L. Fridell. "Lethal Force as a Police Response." Criminal Justice Abstracts 16 (1984): 250-280.
    Binder, A. P. Scharf, and R. Galvin. Use of Deadly Force by Police Officers: Final Report. Washington D.C.: National Institute of Justice, 1982.
    Blumberg, Mark. "Police Use of Deadly Force: Explaining Some Key Issues." In Police Deviance, edited by Thomas Barker and David L. Carter, 219-239. Cincinnati, Ohio, USA: Anderson Publishing, 1991.
    Boyle, C.K. "The Concept of Arbitrary Deprivation of Life." In The Right to Life in International Law, edited by B.G. Ramcharan, 221-244. Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1985.
    Chevigny, Paul. Police Brutality in the United States: A Policy Statement on the Need for Federal Oversight. New York: Human Rights Watch, 1991.
    Chevigny, Paul. "Police Deadly Force as Social Control: Jamaica, Argentina, and Brazil." Criminal Law Forum 1 (1990): 389-425.
    Crawshaw, Ralph. "The Right to Life and the Use of Lethal Force." The Police Journal 64 (1991): 299-308.
    Duffy, Peter. "International Standards on the Use of Force by Law Enforcement Personnel." In The Non-Use of Force in International Law, edited by William E. Butler, 161-171. Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1989.
    Fyfe, James J. "Administrative Interventions on Police Shooting Discretion: An Empirical Examination." Journal of Criminal Justice 7 (1979): 309-323.
    Geller, William A. "Deadly Force: What We Know." Journal of Police Science and Administration. 10 (1982): 151-177.
    Ghandi, P.R. "The Human Rights Committee and Article 6 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 1966." Indian Journal of International Law 29 (1989): 326-345.
    Gregory, Frank. "Policing the Democratic State: How Much Force?" Conflict Studies, no. 194 (Dec. 1986): 1-25.
    Human Rights Watch. Police Brutality in the U. S. New York. Human Rights Watch, 1991.
    Human Rights Watch/Americas. Police abuses in Brazil: Summary Executions and Torture in Sao Paolo and Rio de Janeiro. New York: Human Watch, 1987.
    Kuykendall, J. "Trends in the Use of Deadly Force by Police." Journal of Criminal Justice 9 (1981): 359-366.
    Matukia, Kenneth. A Balance of Forces: Model Deadly Force Policy and Procedure. 2nd ed. Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA: International Association of Chiefs of Police, 1985.
    Nsereko, Daniel D. N. "Arbitrary Deprivation of Life: Controls on Permissible Deprivations." In The Right to Life in International Law, edited by B.G. Ramcharan, 245-283. Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1985.
    Poole, L. and F. Sampson. "The Council of Europe Conference on Human Rights - The Limits of Discretionary Power with Respect to the Use of Force in Policing." The Police Journal 64 (1991): 201-208.
    Ramcharan, B.G. "The Right to Life." Netherlands International Law Review 30 (1983): 297-329.
    United States Dept. of Justice. A Community Concern: Police Use of Deadly Force. Washington D.C. National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice, 1979.
    Para referências sobre execuções sumárias e desaparecimentos, vide "A Prevenção e Detecção do Crime: Desaparecimentos e Mortes Extra-legais."

    Aplicação da Lei no Caso de Grupos Vulneráveis

    Os Direitos Humanos da Mulher
    Alfredsson, Gundmundur, and Katarina Tomasevski, eds. A Thematic Guide to Documents on the Human Rights of Women: Global and Regional Standards Adopted by Intergovernmental Organizations, International Non-Governmental Organizations and Professional Associations. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1995.
    Amnesty International. Women in the Front Line: Human Rights Violations Against Women. New York: Amnesty International, 1991.
    Amnesty International. Human Rights are Women's Rights. New York: Amnesty International, 1991.
    Bunch, Charlotte, and Carrillo, Roxana. Gender Violence: A Development and Human Rights Issue. Highland Park, N.J., USA: Plowshares Press, 1991.
    Burrows, Noreen. "The 1974 Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women." Netherlands International Law Review 32 (1985): 419-460.
    Burrows, Noreen. "Monitoring Compliance of International Standards Relating to Human Rights: The Experience of the UN Commission on the Status of Women." Netherlands International Law Review 31 (1984): 332-354.
    Byrnes, Andrew C. "The Other Human Rights Treaty Body: The Work of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women." Yale Journal of International Law 14 (1989): 1-67.
    Center for Women's Global Leadership. Gender Violence and Women's Rights in Africa. New Brunswick, N.J., USA: Center for Women's Global Leadership, 1993.
    Cook, Rebecca J, ed. Human Rights of Women: National and International Perspectives. Philadelphia, Penn., USA: University Of Pennsylvania Press, 1994.
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    Jacobson, Roberta. "The Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women." In The United Nations and Human Rights: A Critical Appraisal, edited by Philip Alston, 444-472. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992.
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